All donations are tax deductible under IRS Tax Code 501 C 3


Food pantry services based on availability.  Contact our offices for information.

check out youtube promos for this initiative


This initiative is to boost Denver, Colorado businesses in the designated areas that consist of the following;

  • Restaurants
  • Local mortar shops such as retail, beauty shots, barbers shops, mom and pap shops.

For more information if your business would be eligible contact us today.

Establish hybrid business models for local Denver, Colorado businesses to create revenue, foot traffic, community collaboration, and ULTIMATELY KEEP LOCAL BUSINESSES OPEN FOR BUSINESS.

  • Examples include webpage creation with POS or kios capabilities, social media posting directing customers to POS services.
  • Digital Signs promotions in store location (TV provided with proper notice).
  • Establish special promotions with specific business to allow for official launch of initiative.
  • Social media platform creation and content as IG, YouTube ect.
  • Branding and other areas of business marketing, advertising platforms and systems.

If available:  Live DJ tour for the designated areas.  For priority area 1 would include 3 separate events that would include social engagement and music.

This program is for Denver, Colorado residents located in the following areas;

  • 5 Points

2nd areas of focus include the following based on resources and collaboration efforts from interested parties.

  • Civic Center
  • East Colfax
  • Lincoln Park
  • Montbello
  • Union Station
  • West Colfax

Stay connected as participation will be announced September 2022 running this program to December 31, 2022 with possible extension until mid 2023.

DISCLAIMER:  We will try to accompany all businesses located in this area based off first come first serve, resources, and availability.

Contact our offices today at subject head Neighborhood Activation Program.


Stay connected to our social media on Youtube and IG.

DISCLAIMER:  We will try to accompany all businesses located in this area based off first come first serve businesses interested, resources, and availability.


Content Coming Soon:  YouTube Channel:  5 Points Online.  Providing creative content and unmatched value for local businesses in 5 Points Denver, Colorado.  For business interests or press releases contact us today.


look for the card and forward in your network


divine structure

Establishing divine guided structures that advance and adapt with technology through righteous principles and application.

foundation of righteousness and moral standard of conscious awareness

Fundamental understanding and awareness cultivates generational change if applied in all arenas of life.  

community initiatives

Establishing stronger communities one family at a time.  Visit for more information on this division of CEO.

focal points

youth initiatives

The next leaders of today.  Equipping this generation to become the next leaders of today is focused on provided essential, practical, realistic, and obtainable resources for the youth of this generation.  Visit for more information on this division of CEO.  From arts and culture to nutritional feeding programs and education we are dedicated to the most valuable asset to our communities “The Youth of America”  “The Next Leaders of Today”  Join our multiple initiatives.

economic growth and development

Awareness, experience, expertise, ethics, and adapting to change through teamwork, collaboration, and implemenation is just the beginning to establish a thriing econmy in your area.  Contact our offices for more information on collaboration effort.

social reform

Actively promoting ethical, moral, and righteous initiatives for socially equality and freedom for all is required for the sustainability of one generation to the next.  We continue to work with organizations that are spreading positive initiatives throughout our communities.

technology & association

access to 24/7 on line modules

Utilization of technology to bring encouraging, challenging, resourceful, and areas of social conscious awareness is available through a variety of our platforms. 


Effective collaboration is essential and required for the longevity, evolution, and successes of any community or entity.  Contact our offices if you are interested in any of our outreaches or services.

Industry specific model-design-structure-

Creation and design of business models, application and structure to equip any business or individual interested in being a positive catalyst of change for this generation and the generation to come.  Contact our offices for more information.


STRATEGIC MOMENTUM produces sustainability

About Us.

Christ Executive Officer Inc.

Christ Executive Officer Inc. was established in 2002 out of the beautiful state of Colorado as a non profit 501 (c) (3) organization.  Welcome.

Mission statement – Establishing strong communities throughout the United State of America one family at a time while utilizing innovative business models, design, structure, and innovation.


conscious awareness of the need for adaptation

Stand with us as we continue to collaborate with our local community to establish business models to meet the direct needs of individuals one family at a time.

Innovation that meets the need for sustainability for the world we inhabit.

Climate crisis is a global issue that will require collaboration on a global level.

Definition: a change in global or regional climate patterns, in particular a change apparent from the mid to late 20th century onwards and attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels.

Developing sustainable business models that meet the needs of our local communities.

Definition: energy from a source that is not depleted when used, such as wind or solar power.

“the environmental benefits of renewable energy”

Innovative job creation and awareness of job sustainability.

3 Top Industries in demand:

  • Wind turbines;
  • Nursing;
  • Solar

Offering job skill training and business start up opportunities.  As the new norm of business continues to evolve our offices have the ability and insight to assist in creating practical and essential business models that equip you for a greater rate of success. 


Jeremy Korgan & Mrs. Deniece korgan

We thank you for taking this opportunity to visit our social media platform.  From a 4 year business degree from an accredited university in Colorado, Corporate America, Strategic training from former judges, expert industry leaders in a variety of fields, establishing matrix and design for a variety of entities, to assisting local houses of worship throughout the U.S.A., as a consultant, clergy member, executive pastor assignments, guest appearances on TBN, and other Christian and Secular platforms, and blessed to be married to Mrs. Korgan the time now for CEO Inc., to move into the next season of Kingdom expansion has arrived.

My beautiful wife and I welcome you to embark on a season that we are 100% in agreement that will entail healing, peace, grace, and joy as you experience our Lords embracing visitation daily in your life.

welcome to


May God be gracious to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, Selah Psalm 80:3 Restore us, O God, and cause Your face to shine upon us, that we may be saved. Psalm 80:7